The Beginning of Sailing in Style

Welcome to our blog, 'Sailing In Style'. We are Alex and Alex, a couple in our early fifties, who decided to take a leap of faith and embark on an incredible journey of circumnavigation aboard our soon-to-be new home – a beautiful sailing catamaran.

If you've ever dreamed of selling up, leaving the rat race behind, and setting sail into the sunset, then you're in the right place. We are here to share our adventure, from the first idea of this grand journey to every nautical mile we travel. Our hope is that our experiences, triumphs, and even our challenges will inspire, educate, and entertain.

Now you might wonder, why have we decided to upend our comfortable lives for an unpredictable adventure at sea? Well, life is too short to be confined to the mundane routine. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Life is a journey, not a destination." We believe our lives are meant to be filled with exploration, discovery, and growth. We find ourselves at a point in life where we're craving something different - a life that is both challenging and freeing, and we've decided that sailing around the world is just the ticket.

Our vessel? After much research and countless discussions, we have narrowed down our choices to the Lagoon 40 Catamaran or the Aventura 37. Both catamarans are renowned for their reliability, comfort, and ease of handling, essential features for a voyage like ours. 

The Lagoon 40, with its innovative design, offers spacious living areas and high-performance under sail. It is truly a moving home where one can live in style and comfort while exploring the seven seas.

Lagoon 40

On the other hand, the Aventura 37 is a dream come true for adventurers like us. It's a compact, yet comfortable yacht, ideal for long voyages. Its robustness and performance are coupled with modern, elegant design - making it a strong contender for our dream vessel.

Aventura 37

The decision-making process is thrilling but equally daunting. We promise to keep you updated as we weigh the pros and cons and make this monumental decision.

Over the next years, we will be documenting our journey - from selecting and buying our catamaran, to preparing for our departure. We'll discuss the nitty-gritty of preparing for a trip like this - navigation, provisioning, safety measures, and route planning. We'll also share with you our experiences as we learn to live aboard our catamaran, adapt to the sea's rhythms, and explore the fantastic places we'll visit along the way.

This adventure is just beginning, and we're delighted you're joining us on this exciting journey. Here's to our dream of sailing in style, exploring the unknown, and embracing the winds of change. As we embark on this voyage of a lifetime, we welcome you aboard Sailing In Style, where we'll be charting the waters of the world together.

Until next time,

Alex and Alex
